How does license sharing work?

  1. This is a new feature, which is available for all existing online licenses (Yearly and Event licenses)
  2. Basic idea is that you can purchase one licence and use it on as many computer as you like, but not at the same time
  3. Limitation is that, if you assign licence to computer A, you need to wait 12 hours to move it to a computer B (since the moment of assigning the licence)
  4. For example, if you assign a license to computer A on Saturday at 9.00 AM, use the application all day long, you can move it to computer B on the same day after 11.00 PM (since there is a 12 hour buffer)
  5. This is a great solution, if:
    1. your primary computer dies and you need to move the licence to a backup computer
    2. you have two production units, one working on Saturday, the 2nd one working on Sunday

How to move the licence from computer A to computer B ?

  1. Purchase at least one licence (or use exiting licence that you have purchased before)
  2. Open Scoreboard OCR and click on Activate icon
  3. Click on “Associate this computer with existing licence”
  4. Enter the email address that you used to purchase this licence
  5. Confirm (Application will restart)
  6. Repeat step 4, 5, 6 on every computer, where you want to use Scoreboard OCR
  7. Go to your personal Scoreboard OCR web panel and associate your computer with a licence (or move it from computer A to computer B)
    1. We will send every user a link to web panel via email, where you can see available licences and computers, use the search phrase “” in your email inbox