How to send data to Vizrt ?
There are several ways how to send data from Scoreboard OCR to Vizrt:
Using Viz Engine shared memory (UDP)
Using Viz Scene (UDP)
1. Using Viz Engine shared memory (UDP)
In Vizrt
Choose Global
Enter Memory Base Key
Choose “Vizrt Engine” output option in Scoreboard OCR
Enter Vizrt Engine connection details:
Use the same field names in Scoreboard OCR that are defined in Vizrt Engine
Scoreboard OCR will send the following commands to Vizrt Engine using UDP socket connection (each param/value pair is null-terminated:):
Testing Viz Engine shared memory (UDP)
In Vizrt:
under Config → Communication → Shared Memory enter UDP port 1234, choose 'master poll UDP' and restart Vizrt
Create a new container
Drag and drop a Apply Shared Memory plugin into this container
Set the Memory Base Key property of the Apply Shared Memory plugin to '/aaa'
Create a text geometry as children of this container
Drag and drop a Control Text plugin into the text geometry container
Set the Field Identifier property of the Control Text plugin to 'text1'
Turn off Use formatted text property of the Control Text plugin
In Scoreboard OCR:
Choose Vizrt Engine in Output tab
Enter the following and click 'Add'
Create field 'text1'
Add some digits to 'text1'
You should be getting data in Vizrt

2. Using Viz Scene (UDP)
Works with Viz v3 and v4. But in Viz v4 you need to choose render mode Classic (not Fusion) for this to work
In Viz-scene add DataPool plugin to the scene
Enable UDP (port 7124, its not possible to change the port number)
Choose “Vizrt Scene” output option in Scoreboard OCR
Enter Vizrt Scene connection details:
Use the same field names in Scoreboard OCR that are defined in Vizrt Scene
Scoreboard OCR will send the following commands to Vizrt Scene using UDP socket connection: